Hello everyone! If somebody said "super cute," did they not mean me? Maybe you have me mixed up with Purple Collar, or perhaps you meant all three of us! I am the pup currently known as Pink Collar, the second of three females in Brandy's group. Yes I am the middle pup. I was born at 8:12 pm on October 22nd, 2024, moseying on out after my slightly older sis made her debut a bit earlier. Apparently, it was still a bit early in the evening for the humans, as they weren't napping yet, but as we pups say, "Any nap is a good nap!" Which I had just after some snacking and snuggling with Mom and sis.
I weighed in at a svelte 8.5 ounces that morning and checked in at 2.9 pounds on November 29th. My deep dark eyes opened on November 8th, giving me much insight into why I heard the things I did. I found out my siblings are just as cute as me!
In puppy life class, the humans tell me I am a blue merle Bernedoodle with white, blue and black markings, a large white chest, four white paws, and a little white tail. I identify as playful, loving, and cuddly, and I have a better Harry Potter mark on my head than Red Collar!. And the cutest pink spot on my snoot!

Like the others, I am currently taking puppy classes where we are learning how and where to use the grass mat, eating different kinds of mush, and learning to play. I am doing very well! This is a piece of cake! Which I heard is tasty but I can't eat.
Shortly, I will be conducting interviews to find my new forever human pack. Can't wait!